Monday, January 27, 2020

हरियाणा की साहित्यिक जानकारी

हरियाणा के प्रमुख लेखक और साहित्य की जानकारी 

प्रश्न- हरियाणा के सूर्य कवि के रूप में किसे जाना जाता है?
उत्तर- पंडित लख्मीचंद
प्रश्न- हरियाणा के राज्यकवि कौन थे?
उत्तर- उदयभानू हँस
प्रश्न- हरियाणा का कबीर किसे कहा जाता है?
उत्तर- श्री रघुविन्द्र यादव
प्रश्न- हरियाणवी भाषा का पहला उपन्यास कौन-सा है?
उत्तर- झाड़ूफिरी 
प्रश्न- हरियाणा साहित्य अकादमी की पत्रिका का क्या नाम है?
उत्तर- हरिगंधा 
प्रश्न- हरियाणा केसरी पंडित नेकीराम शर्मा ने भिवानी से कौन-सी पत्रिका का सम्पादन किया?
उत्तर- सन्देश 
प्रश्न- स्वतंत्रता सेनानी श्रीराम शर्मा ने किस पत्रिका का सम्पादन किया?
उत्तर- हरियाणा तिलक 
प्रश्न- बाबू बालमुकुन्द का जन्म कब और कहाँ हुआ?
उत्तर- 14 नवम्बर, 1965 को गुडियानी जिला रेवाड़ी में |
प्रश्न-  बाबू बालमुकुन्द गुप्त की सबसे चर्चित कृति कौन सी है?
उत्तर- शिवशम्भू का चिट्ठा 
प्रश्न- बाबू बालमुकुन्द गुप्त की स्मृति में हरियाणा से कौन-सी साहित्यिक पत्रिका निकलती है ?
उत्तर- बाबूजी का भारतमित्र 
प्रश्न- पं. माधवप्रसाद मिश्र का जन्म कहाँ और कब हुआ?
उत्तर- गाँव कुंगड़ जिला भिवानी में 1871 में|
प्रश्न- पं. माधवप्रसाद मिश्र ने किन अख़बारों में काम किया?
उत्तर- सुदर्शन और ब्राह्मण 
प्रश्न- शिवनारायण शास्त्री ने किन कृतियों की रचना की?
उत्तर- छत्र बोधिनी और स्त्री कर्तव्य शिक्षा 
प्रश्न- छ्ज्जुराम की कृतियों की नाम बताएं |
उत्तर- पाणिनीय हिंदी व्याकरण  तथा कुरुक्षेत्र महात्म्य 
प्रश्न- भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन की प्रसिद्ध कृति कौन सी है?
उत्तर- भिक्षु के पत्र 
प्रश्न- प्रसिद्ध लेखक विष्णु प्रभाकर का हरियाणा के किस नगर से संबंध है?
उत्तर- हिसार 
प्रश्न- विष्णु प्रभाकर की प्रसिद्ध कृति कौन सी है?
उत्तर- आवारा मसीहा 
प्रश्न- हरियाणा में कहानी लेखन महाविद्यालय कहाँ स्थित है?
उत्तर- अम्बाला छावनी 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

English Practice Paper for HSSC Recruitment Tests

Q 1. __________ is the synonym of "RESOLUTE".
A. Shy 
B. Stubborn
C. Soft 
D. Decision
Ans. B. Stubborn

Q 2. __________ is the antonym of "ANNOYED".
A. Irritated 
B. Pleased
C. Not well known 
D. Hired
Ans. B. Pleased

Q 3. Identify the meaning of the idiom "keep your fingers crossed".
A. Ready for a quarrel 
B. Be ready to answer
C. Hope for a good outcome 
D. Restrict someone from doing a harsh act
Ans. C. Hope for a good outcome 

Q 4. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically 
"I waited for you since 9 o'clock in the morning".
A. shall wait 
B. was waiting
C. am waiting 
D. have been waiting
Ans.D. have been waiting

Q 5. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets.
While she was in that country she spent her holidays ____ (visit) art houses.
A. always visiting 
B. visit
C. visiting 
D. visited
Ans. C. visiting 

Q 6. __________ is the synonym of "BIGOTRY".
A. Bias 
B. Twice- Married
C. Bipolar 
D. Equality
Ans. A. Bias 

Q 7. __________ is the antonym of "SPLENDID".
A. Ordinary 
B. Beautiful
C. Expensive 
D. Grand
Ans. A. Ordinary

Q 8. Identify the meaning of the idiom "explore all avenues".
A. Try everything to find a solution or to get the desired result
B. Define various solutions to a problem
C. Try and restrict intrusions 
D. Search for the route
Ans. A. Try everything to find a solution or to get the desired result

Q 9. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct.
"Maria found the gold coin as she cleans the floor".
A. while she cleaned 
B. when she cleans
C. while cleaning 
D. when she had cleaned
Ans. C. while cleaning

Q 10. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets.
I like to _________ (hear) music when I am tired.
A. listened 
B. heard
C. hearing 
D. hear
Ans. D. hear

Q 11. __________ is the synonym of "PECULIAR".
A. Common 
B. Preferred 
C. Required 
D. Strange
Ans. D. Strange

Q 12. __________ is the antonym of "WEIRD".
A. Strange 
B. Peculiar 
C. Normal 
D. Odd
Ans. C. Normal 

Q 13. Identify the meaning of the idiom "whole bag of tricks".
A. Being tricky 
B. No clues 
C. Selfish 
D. Every possibility
Ans. D. Every possibility

Q 14. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "Why should the candidates be afraid of English Language is not clear."
A. they should be 
B. the candidates be fearing 
C. the candidates should be 
D. should they be
Ans. C. the candidates should be

Q 15. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. The student group ___ (work) as volunteers in several rural areas.
A. were working 
B. is working 
C. have worked 
D. are working
Ans. B. is working

Q 16. __________ is the synonym of "MOROSE".
A. Happy 
B. Rough 
C. Depressed 
D. Cheer
Ans. C. Depressed 

Q 17. __________ is the antonym of "SUMMIT".
A. Present 
B. Base 
C. Peak 
D. Crown
Ans. B. Base 

Q 18. Identify the meaning of the idiom "spill the beans".
A. Gossip around 
B. Reveal secret information unintentionally 
C. Talk about someone who is not present there 
D. Perform an unwanted task
Ans. B. Reveal secret information unintentionally 

Q 19. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "Pritam asked the team if they thought he was right and the team answered that he did".
A. that he did right 
B. that they did 
C. that was right 
D. that they think
Ans. B. that they did 

Q 20. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. I used to___ (play) chess after work.
A. play 
B. played 
C. playing 
D. be playing
Ans. A. play 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

English Subject Practice Set for HSSC Screening Tests

English Questions form HSSC Previous Question Papers

Q 1. __________ is the synonym of "DELICIOUS".
A. Cheerful 
B. Tasty 
C. Beautiful 
D. Splendid
Ans. B. Tasty

Q 2. __________ is the antonym of "CHARMING".
A. Pleasant 
B. Bright 
C. Unattractive 
D. Charismatic
Ans. C. Unattractive

Q 3.
Identify the meaning of the idiom "blessing in disguise".
A. An incorrect action now rectified 
B. Something good that is not recognized at first 
C. To help someone without him/her knowing about it 
D. To request help for someone else
Ans. B. Something good that is not recognized at first 

Q 4. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "The impact of the epidemic was rather worst than the officials had expected".
A. was rather worser 
B. is rather worser 
C. is rather worst 
D. was rather worse
Ans. D. was rather worse

Q 5. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. Our family ___ (be) living here for more than 10 years.
A. will be 
B. has been 
C. are 
D. would be
Ans. B. has been

Q 6. __________ is the synonym of "FORECAST".
A. Analysis 
B. Explore 
C. Investigate 
D. Projection
Ans. D. Projection

Q 7. __________ is the antonym of "WILLINGNESS".
A. Inclination 
B. Reluctance 
C. Enthusiasm 
D. Acceptance
Ans. B. Reluctance

Q 8. Identify the meaning of the idiom "cry over spilt milk".
A. To speak bad about another person 
B. When you complain about a loss from the past 
C. To apologize for a wrong action 
D. When you disagree on something and cry over the discussion
Ans. B. When you complain about a loss from the past

Q 9. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "Why did you wasted the food yesterday"?
A. you wasted 
B. you wasting 
C. do you waste 
D. did you waste
Ans. D. did you waste

Q 10. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. Priya ___ (analyze) the requirements for this project, last week.
A. has analyzed 
B. will analyze 
C. is analyzing 
D. analyzed
Ans. D. analyzed

Q 11.
__________ is the synonym of "AGREEABLE".
A. Acceptable 
B. Averse 
C. Affect 
D. Upsets
Ans. A. Acceptable

Q 12. __________ is the antonym of "UNIQUE".
A. Single 
B. Union 
C. Inclusive 
D. Common
Ans. D. Common

Q 13. Identify the meaning of the idiom "hit the nail on the head".
A. Say something very harsh or do a harsh act 
B. Show a person how he/she is not right 
C. Do something exactly right or say something exactly right 
D. React instantly
Ans. C. Do something exactly right or say something exactly right 

Q 14. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "The visitor stood quietly for few moments".
A. for some few moments 
B. for a few moments 
C. for some moments 
D. for few moment
Ans. B. for a few moments

Q 15. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. Do you still ___ (run) the half-marathon?
A. run 
B. ran 
C. may run 
D. running
Ans. A. run

Q 16. __________ is the synonym of "ASTONISHING".
A. Sure 
B. Amazing 
C. Expected 
D. Boring
Ans. B. Amazing

Q 17. __________ is the antonym of "Gloomy".
A. Cheerful 
B. Sad 
C. Dejected 
D. Sorrowful
Ans. A. Cheerful 

Q 18. Identify the meaning of the idiom "piece of cake".
A. Task that you love so much 
B. Task that you have been doing in the recent days 
C. Task that you did a long time ago 
D. Task that you can accomplish very easily
Ans. D. Task that you can accomplish very easily

Q 19. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "The police has recover only a part of the stolen property".
A. has recovered 
B. have recovered 
C. must recover 
D. will recovered
Ans. A. has recovered
Q 20. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. Listen to her speech ________(care).
A. careful 
B. with care 
C. carefully 
D. more care
Ans. C. carefully

HSSC Tests English Practice Set-I

English Questions from HSSC Previous Papers 

Q 1. __________ is the synonym of "ETHNIC".
A. Cultural 
B. Hereditary 
C. Religious 
D. Modern
Ans. A. Cultural

Q 2. __________ is the antonym of "TUMULTUOUS".
A. Glamorous 
B. Blunder 
C. Peaceful 
D. Chaos
Ans. C. Peaceful

Q 3.
Identify the meaning of the idiom in the sentence. "You will have to pull yourself together."
A. To calm down and behave normally 
B. To pack your bags 
C. To run away 
D. To stand up
Ans. A. To calm down and behave normally

Q 4.
Sentence given below may contain one or more mistakes. Identify the correct sentence. "You has to be at my place on 10:00 am."
A. You have to be at my place at 10:00 am. 
B. You has to be on my place at 10:00 am. 
C. You have to be at my place on 10:00 am. 
D. You has to be at my place at 10:00 am.
Ans. A. You have to be at my place at 10:00 am. 

Q 5.
Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of verb from the following. All the birds have been________ (fly) together.
A. fly 
B. flew 
C. flown 
D. flying
Ans. D. flying

Q 6. __________ is the synonym of "OBSTINATE".
A. Absent 
B. Willing 
C. Accommodating 
D. Adamant
Ans. D. Adamant

Q 7. __________ is the antonym of "FREEDOM".
A. Restriction 
B. Liberty 
C. Independence 
D. Flexibility
Ans. A. Restriction 

Q 8.
Identify the meaning of the idiom "add fuel to the fire".
A. Bring an end to the quarrel/dispute 
B. Speak tough words 
C. Not accepting an apology 
D. Something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is
Ans. D. Something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is

Q 9.
The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "The man to who I sold my house was a professor".
A. I sold 
B. I had sold 
C. to whom I sold 
D. I did sell
Ans. C. to whom I sold

Q 10.
Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. My father ________ (work) as an engineer in the Railways, when he was alive.
A. working 
B. works 
C. was worked 
D. worked
Ans. D. worked

Q 11. __________ is the synonym of "PERSISTENT".
A. Fake 
B. Determined 
C. Disloyal 
D. Incorrect
Ans. B. Determined 

Q 12. __________ is the antonym of "DEFENSIVE".
A. Protective 
B. Aggressive 
C. Cautious 
D. Shielding
Ans. B. Aggressive 

Q 13.
Identify the meaning of the idiom "at the drop of a hat".
A. Willing to do something immediately 
B. Bend down to accommodate other person’s views 
C. Apologies without any condition 
D. Give away all that you have
Ans. A. Willing to do something immediately 

Q 14. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. "We were all shock by Priya's failure in the competition"
A. were all shocked at 
B. were all shocked for 
C. was all shocked 
D. was shocked by
Ans. A. were all shocked at 

Q 15. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. I ___ (play)during the weekends.
A. played 
B. plays 
C. play 
D. should play
Ans. C. play 

Q 16. __________ is the synonym of "EERIE".
A. Natural 
B. Normal 
C. Spooky 
D. Vague
Ans. C. Spooky 

Q 17. __________ is the antonym of "APPRECIATION".
A. Applause 
B. Recognition 
C. Criticism 
D. Thankfulness
Ans. C. Criticism

Q 18. Identify the meaning of the idiom "beating around the bush".
A. Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue 
B. To ensure all possible options are tried 
C. To ensure safety of the group 
D. To clean up all conversations by clarifying
Ans. A. Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue 

Q 19. The sentence has an incorrect phrase, which are shown in bold and underlined. Select the option that is the correct phrase to be replaced so that the statement is grammatically correct. 
"The thief run very fast for the police to catch".
A. will run very fast 
B. ran too fast 
C. runs faster 
D. will run faster
Ans. B. ran too fast

Q 20. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct form of the verb given in brackets. Prem is not here. He is out ___ (visit) his grandmother.
A. visit 
B. visiting 
C. on a visit 
D. to visit
Ans. B. visiting

Thursday, January 9, 2020

HSSC Exams Practice Set 2020

Q 1. Union Railway Minister Shri Piyush Goyal recently dedicated India's first Railway University to the nation. This university is in _________. 
A. Jagadhri 
B. Patiala 
C. Jodhpur 
D. Vadodara
Ans. D. Vadodara

Q 2. Who was the British Governor General when India became a free nation? 
A. Sir Winston Churchill 
B. Lord Mountbatten 
C. Clement Richard Attlee 
D. Viscount Wavell 
Ans. B. Lord Mountbatten 

Q 3. The ________ community demonstrated one of the earliest "Chipko Movement" to prevent felling of trees and destruction of forests. 
A. Ahir 
B. Ghujjar 
C. Bania 
D. Bishnoi 
Ans. D. Bishnoi 

Q 4. Yakshagana is an important _______ of Karnataka and some parts of Kerala. 
A. Folk music 
B. Folk theatre 
C. Classical dance 
D. Classical music
Ans. B. Folk theatre 

Q 5. Kunal, the pre-harappan site, was discovered in Haryana at _____________. 
A. Hisar 
B. Fatehabad 
C. Sirsa 
D. Bhiwani
Ans. B. Fatehabad 

Q 6. When the President rule was imposed for the first time on Haryana State, who was the President of India? 
A. Shri Rajendra Prasad 
B. Shri V.V. Giri 
C. Dr Zakir Hussain 
D. Shri S. Radhakrishnan
Ans. C. Dr Zakir Hussain 

Q 7. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated in the Second Battle of Tarain by __________. 
A. Mahmud Ghazni 
B. Muhammad Ghori 
C. Qutb-ud-din Aibak 
D. Akbar
Ans. B. Muhammad Ghori 

Q 8. As on 1-April-2019, Shri Satyadev Narayan Arya is the current _______ of Haryana. 
A. Speaker of the Assembly 
B. Chief Electoral Officer 
C. Chief Justice 
D. Governor
Ans. D. Governor

Q 9. Under the recently announced Uchch Shiksha Loan Yojana by the Haryana Government, which of the following is NOT a criterion for eligibility? 
A. The applicant should be the permanent residence of Haryana. 
B. The applicant should be at least 12th passed.
C. The age of girl should be 18 years or above. 
D. The girl must belong to any of the Scheduled classes.
Ans. D. The girl must belong to any of the Scheduled classes.

Q 10. As on 1-April-2019, Shri Krishan Pal Gurjar serves as the Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment in Government of India. He was elected from __________ constituency in Haryana. 
A. Ambala 
B. Jind 
C. Faridabad 
D. Sirsa
Ans, C. Faridabad 

Q 11. How many players from Haryana found a place in the recently announced World Cup Squad for the ICC World Cup 2019? 
A. 0 
B. 1 
C. 2 
D. 3
Ans. B. 1 

Q 12. The Defence Minister of India formally inaugurated the Information Fusion Centre - Indian Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) at ________, Haryana. 
A. Gurugram 
B. Panchkula 
C. Ambala 
D. Panipat
Ans. A. Gurugram 

Q 13. In the ________ dance form, girls stand in two rows and the song is in the form of questions and answers between the girls. 
A. Loor 
B. Dhamal 
C. Daph 
D. Gugga
Ans. A. Loor 

Q 14. _________ dance is exclusively performed by men. 
A. Gugga dance 
B. Daph 
C. Raas Leela 
D. Phag
Ans. A. Gugga dance 

Q 15. Who was the first official state poet of Haryana? 
A. Nishchal Das 
B. Vakpatiraja 
C. Vishnu Prabhakar 
D. Uday Bhanu Hans
Ans. D. Uday Bhanu Hans

Q 16. Which is the second highest literary award in India?
A. Sahitya Academi Award 
B. Sahitya Academi Fellowship 
C. Jnanpith 
D. Saraswati Samman
Ans. A. Sahitya Academi Award 

Q 17. Sahitya academy recognizes _______ Indian languages and one literary award is given for works in each language. 
A. 22 
B. 20 
C. 24 
D. 18
Ans. C. 24 

Q 18. The river Markhanda is the tributary of _________ river. 
A. Ghaggar 
B. Yamuna 
C. Kaushalya 
D. Dangri
Ans. A. Ghaggar 

Q 19. Which canal emerges from the Hatni kund barrage (Dam)?
A. Bhiwani Canal 
B. Western Yamuna Canal 
C. Indira Gandhi Canal 
D. Gurgaon Canal
Ans. B. Western Yamuna Canal 

Q 20. Where is Kaushalya dam located? 
A. Palwal 
B. Pinjore 
C. Mohan Nagar 
D. Babiyal
Ans. B. Pinjore 

Q 21. Identify the district that is irrigated by the Western Yamuna Canal.
A. Jhajjar 
B. Faridabad 
C. Sonipat 
D. Mahendragarh
Ans. C. Sonipat 

Q 22. How many deer parks are there in Haryana? 
A. 1 
B. 2 
C. 4 
D. 0
Ans. A. 1 

Q 23. Each municipal area is divided into territorial constituencies known as _______. 
A. Panchayat 
B. Wards 
C. Zila Samiti 
D. Districts
Ans. B. Wards 

Q 24. Executive Powers of Municipal Corporations are vested in___________. 
A. Deputy Mayor 
B. District Judge 
C. Municipal Commissioner 
D. Mayor
Ans. C. Municipal Commissioner 

Q 25. Who appoints the Deputy Mayor of Municipal Corporations? 
A. Municipal Commissioner 
B. Mayor 
C. Councellor 
D. District Judge
Ans. B. Mayor 

Q 26. To open find window, which function key is used? 
A. F1 
B. F2 
C. F3 
D. F4
Ans. C. F3 

Q 27. Which is the best-known bird sanctuary in Haryana? 
A. Sultanpur 
B. Bharatpur 
C. Rajaji 
D. Sariska
Ans. A. Sultanpur 

Q 28. The Chief Minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar, launched the 'Mhara Gaon Jagmag Gaon' on July 1, 2015. What is the main aim of this scheme? 
A. Build toilets in villages 
B. Paint the villages in a uniform colour 
C. Provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply to villages 
D. Keep the villages neat and clean
Ans. C. Provide 24-hour uninterrupted power supply to villages 

Q 29. Which of the following option represents storage unit from largest to smallest? 
A. Bits, Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes 
B. Bytes, Bits, Kilobytes, Megabytes 
C. Megabytes, Kilobytes, Bytes, Bits 
D. Megabytes, Kilobytes, Bits, Bytes
Ans. C. Megabytes, Kilobytes, Bytes, Bits 

Q 30. Pick the odd one out. Uranium, Radium, Caesium, Calcium 
A. Uranium 
B. Radium 
C. Calcium 
D. Caesium
Ans. C. Calcium 

Q 31. Choose the correct option that best expresses a relationship SIMILAR to that expressed in this pair: Perseverance: Success :: 
A. Curiosity:Knowledge 
B. Money : Wealth 
C. Student:Book 
D. Dance : Performance
Ans. A. Curiosity:Knowledge